EI4SMR is a simplexer that operates on the 4 metre band. It listens for narrow band FM transmissions on 70.375 MHz, records them and then transmits the recorded audio on the same frequency.

The purpose of the simplexer is to promote more activity on the 4 metre band and to allow people to communicate and experiment.

Callsign : EI4SMR

Frequency : 70.375 MHz

Antenna : Folded Dipole on a 6 metre mast.

Timeout : The Simplexler records 45 seconds of audio and then re-transmits when the frequency is clear. No CTCSS or tone is required.

Power : 10 Watts

Reception Reports : Under Sporadic-E conditions, it has been heard in Slovenia, Italy and Denmark. Under tropo conditions, it has been heard in England. It has also been accessed by stations in Mayo, Galway, Tipperary, Waterford and Kilkenny.